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Bridging the Gap

July 25, 2024


Telemedicine has become a cornerstone of modern healthcare, providing remote consultations that are both convenient and efficient. However, when it comes to comprehensive care, telemedicine falls short, particularly when physical exams or diagnostic tests are required. This is where the combination of telemedicine and in-home urgent care truly shines. By integrating these services, patients receive a level of care that is both thorough and immediate, bridging the gap between virtual and in-person medical attention.


Beating the Renewal Blues

June 21, 2024


Did you know the average cost of employee health insurance premiums for single coverage was $8,435 in 2023? To make matters worse, preliminary hearings are anticipating a potential increase near 30% for HDHP in 2025. One way employers are combating these costs is by integrating in-home urgent care with telemedicine. Telehealth doctors send a medical technologist to the employee's home or office if further testing is needed for a diagnosis. Here's how employers have reaped the rewards in 2024:


Another One Bites the Dust

May 13, 2024


In the healthcare industry, sustainability is unfortunately hard to come by for most providers. Last week, Walmart Health announced they are closing all 51 Health Centers and shutting down its telehealth service, five years after jumping into the industry and just weeks after saying it was expanding into new markets.


Happy Employee Benefits Day!

April 2, 2024


In honor of National Women's History Month coming to a close and National Employee Benefits Day just beginning, it's an opportune moment to reflect on the journey of EZaccessMD and celebrate the leadership of our President and Co-Founder, Lois Irwin, alongside her husband, Will Irwin. Here's a look at how it all started:


Spectrum News: Healthcare on Wheels

March 1, 2024



Changing the Path to Healthcare

February 1, 2024

Lois Irwin, President

Benefits Revolution: The Next Generation in Employer-Sponsored Healthcare recently became a "#1 Amazon Best Selling Publication.” I feel deeply honored to pen a chapter in this book, alongside a select group of thought leaders in the healthcare industry. For advisors and employers aspiring to not only challenge the status quo but also enhance their appeal in the marketplace, this is a must-read.


HR's New Year's Resolution

January 5, 2024


As we bid farewell to the challenges of the past year and welcome a new beginning in 2024, the landscape of healthcare is evolving rapidly. One of the key disruptors reshaping the industry is the rise of in-home healthcare services, with EZaccessMD at the forefront of this revolutionary wave. For CFOs and HR representatives, the implications of embracing in-home healthcare solutions extend far beyond employee well-being. Here's how the shift towards in-home healthcare can be a game-changer for employers and their workforce in the year ahead:


The Absentee Avengers🦸‍♂️

October 3, 2023


There is a superhero in all of us, we just need the courage to put on the cape. This month we are putting on the cape to fight the battle most employers face against absenteeism. The CDC reports that annual productivity losses linked to absenteeism cost employers $1,685 per employee. That’s a problem - one that's been going on for a long time, but yet we continue to take the same approach year after year.


HRA-ammer Time: Nailing Costs

September 5, 2023


Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) can be used to pay for telehealth, leveraging the power of these vehicles to ease the sting of rising out-of-pocket costs that make healthcare unaffordable. But there’s an even more effective way to leverage employer-provided benefit allowances. Employers are starting to adopt Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA) in conjunction with a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) called a Post-Deductible HRA.


Leaving the House? Forget It.

August 1, 2023


Remember the good ole' days of driving to the bank on Friday evening to deposit your paycheck after a long week? What about going to an actual brick & mortar store to pick up the newly released album by Prince? Or even just meeting up with an old friend to connect and have an actual in-person conversation? Well I think we all know by now that those days are long gone and have been replaced by digital advancements like direct deposit, streaming, and Facetime. So what is the motor behind these advancements in today's society? Convenience.


EZaccessMD is the only mobile urgent care that offers diagnostic testing and imaging in the home or workplace. Not only are we revolutionizing the way employees get care, we’re making it affordable for them and their employers.

How We Stack Up

Past Blog Articles:

Bridging the Gap


Beating the Renewal Blues


Another One Bites the Dust


Happy Employee Benefits Day!


Spectrum News: Healthcare on Wheels


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